Cell Phone Policy

South Lakes High School's Cell Phone Usage Policy

Cell Phone Policy

South Lakes High School will follow FCPS guidelines given to all schools, implementing a Cell Phone Policy for the 2024-25 school year.

Students and parents/guardians should review the South Lakes High School Cell Phone Policy: 

All students should have their cell phones and wireless headphones/air pods put away during the following times:

  • During all class periods
  • When leaving the classroom with a hall pass
  • During breaks and the last few minutes of class
  • In hallways during instructional time
  • In restrooms during instructional time

Staff actions and consequences for cell phone violations can be found below: 

ViolationStaff Action Consequence
First Violation The phone is confiscated by a staff member and held until the end of class. The phone will be secured by a staff member in the student's classroom if the violation occurs in the classroom or the phone will be secured in the office if the violation occurs in the hall or bathroom during class time. The student can pick up their phone at the end of the class. A parent/guardian is notified. Staff member will write a referral. The student receives a warning and the violation is logged in SIS.
Second ViolationThe phone is confiscated and given to the front office/sub-school office. The student can pick up their phone at the end of the school day. A parent/guardian is notified. Staff member will write a referral. The student receives detention and the violation is logged in SIS.
Third ViolationThe phone is confiscated and given to the front office/sub-school office. A parent/guardian is notified. A parent/guardian or designee must pick up the phone. The phone will not be released to the student. Staff member will write a referral. 

The student receives detention and a parent/guardian conference is held. The violation is logged in SIS.

Discipline for subsequent violations: Phone privileges are lost for 20 consecutive school days and it is logged in SIS.  For each of these 20 days, the student will report to the front office at the beginning of each day to turn over their phone until the end of the day.