Clubs, Activities and Honor Societies
Interested in getting involved? Have a question or suggestion? Please use the following information to get in touch:
- General club questions - Please contact Sierra Traynham, ADSA
- Questions about a specific club(s) - please contact the faculty sponsor for that specific club.
Activity Calendar
New club/activity applications for the 2024-2025 school year will be accepted from August 19, 2024- March 1, 2025.
Want to Start a New Club?
To start a new club, you need a sponsor. Once you have secured a sponsor, complete the following paperwork, and turn it in to the Student Activities Office (Rm 338). All paperwork can also be found on Schoology. Please note: The sponsor must initial next to their name on the Club Application.
Guidelines for How to Start a Club
Additional Information:
- All forms must be typed, or they will not be accepted.
- Club Application form item #7 should include this blanket statement: "All activities as approved by local administration"
- Club Application form item #8 should include this blanket statement: “All transportation & activities will be approved by South Lakes HS administration.”
- The club should be open to “All South Lakes HS students, grades 9-12” and written as such in Article VII- Membership of the Club Constitution.
- HS clubs cannot have middle school members; however, the MS can create a similar club to collaborate with an HS club.
Need assistance? Please email Mrs. Sierra Traynham, [email protected]
National Honor Society
Please click the following link to find all the information you will need to participate in South Lakes's National Honor Society.
South Lakes High School National Honor Society Google Site (You must be logged into your account to access this site)
Juniors and Seniors with a cumulative 3.7 GPA can now apply to join the South Lakes chapter of the National Honor Society. The site linked above will guide you through the process.
To view the site students must sign in to their account, and sign out of all other google accounts.
Fairfax County Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to all clubs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies as they relate to student activities and athletics: Bill Curran, Director Activities and Athletics Fairfax County Public Schools @email