With the worldwide success of the sixth season of the “Love Island” reality TV show, fans have learned to love and praise the members of the Villa this season. As the Islanders progress within the show, they aim at finding love with the ultimate prize of 100,000 dollars if voted by American fans. Throughout the...
With the Holiday season right around the corner, producers of the “Terrifier” film series released their third film in this chronological storyline to box offices worldwide on Friday October 11th, 2024. Within the timeframe of this release, this terrifying film received a variety of reviews, equating to a 75% rating on “Rotten Tomatoes.” The film...
The highly anticipated World Series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the New York Yankees is set to begin on October 25 at 8 PM. The Dodgers secured their spot by defeating the Mets in six games, while the Yankees triumphed over the Guardians in five. For Dodgers fans, this series holds immense significance. Since...
Killing the five people onboard, the submersible referred to as Titan imploded during a dive to see the Titanic. Stockton Rush, the CEO of Oceangate, the company that created the sub, was one of the victims of the incident. He allegedly mismanaged the company, leading to the disaster. The National Transportation Safety Board began an...
In a thrilling 2-2 draw between Manchester City and Arsenal, tension flared as seven yellow cards and a red card were issued, culminating in a dramatic late goal by John Stones. The match, marked by intense physicality, has sparked talk of growing rivalry between the title-contending teams. The game saw an unusual number of yellow...
Russell Wilson made a remarkable return in Week 7, leading the Pittsburgh Steelers to a commanding 37-15 victory over the New York Jets. Despite dealing with a nagging calf injury that kept him sidelined for the first six weeks of the season Wilson’s performance against a team ranked No. 1 in passing defense and No.7...
South Lakes’ annual Senior Sunrise took the school by storm on Friday, September 20th. Following homecoming week, senior students headed to South Lakes before the sun came up to experience the beautiful sunrise together. In a bittersweet and honorable tradition, members of the class of 2025 arrived at the football field as early as 6...
With the election right around the corner, the outcome won’t depend on how many votes candidates can pull from the middle to one side or another, but how motivated they make us to vote about it. In the past few years, voter turnout has been an even more important issue than winning independent or undecided...
According to Pew Research Center, 95% of teens have access to a smartphone. These days, a majority of our communication is done digitally, and it’s common to see teens walking everywhere in public with at least an earbud in. This has changed rapidly since 2000, and it’s not a good thing. For girls, the rise...
Software company Carahsoft was raided by the FBI on the 24th of September in order to investigate price-fixing allegations. Located in Reston, Carahsoft provides IT support and products to government agencies, such as the Department of Defense. Under the court authorized raid, employee devices were searched with the FBI interviewing some employees. No arrests were...
Like many other Americans, the upcoming presidential election has been weighing on me. I had been looking for ways to get involved politically, but hadn’t found anything with tangible results, that was close to me or that looked interesting. Then, while checking my inbox, I got an email: “Join our Young Voters for Harris-Walz phone...
As we officially enter the fall season, it’s the perfect time to get cozy, eat your favorite fall snacks and watch your favorite autumn films. Have no clue about what to watch? Here are some of the best films that are perfect to watch during the spooky fall season. Gilmore Girls: Starring Lauren Graham...
MGA Entertainment has announced a hot collaboration with Paramount’s Mean Girls franchise. Mean Girls, screenwritten by the clever Tina Fey, is a story told around clique hierarchies and maneuvering the high school social scene. Cady Heron, is a homeschooled fish out of water; Heron moved to Evanston, Illinois from Africa, to an all-American school, where...
Marcellus Williams, convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to death row in 2001 was executed by lethal injection on September 24, 2024, in Missouri. This ruling ignored the public objections from the prosecutor and the family of the victim. Williams was charged with killing a former journalist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Felicia Gayle, during a...
Following the recent presidential debate, the well known and loved music artist, Taylor Swift, announced her support for candidate Kamala Harris on her instagram account (@taylorswift). On September 10th, Swift posted an image on instagram with a lengthy caption announcing that she will be casting her vote for Harris this fall. In this post, she...
The usually busy and positive Worldgate Center in Herndon unexpectedly turned into a crime scene when a man was shot and left in critical condition on October 6th, 2024. The incident occurred around 7:40 pm and caused immense shock for nearby communities and concern all around. According to Fairfax County Police, an officer who was...
After a two-year long investigation by 14 states, TikTok has been sued by all states involved due to increasing public health concerns. The lawsuit, released with redactions earlier this month, alleges TikTok “[chose] profit over the health and safety, well-being and future of our children” according to California Attorney General Rob Bonta. Though much of...
Back in 2016, Jaylah Ji’mya Hickmon, better known as Doechii, had uploaded her first track titled “Girls” to SoundCloud.Even though this track didn’t put her on the map to stardom, she would continue to put out two other pieces of music and a project titled, “Coven Music Session, Vol 1.” After gaining popularity on Tiktok with her self-funded...
With only 76 spots at the major league level, the path to the top for minor league umpires is long and arduous, with little to no guaranteed success. Only 3% of minor league umpires ever make it to Major League Baseball (MLB). Minor league umpires face a daunting journey, often earning salaries that fall $10,000...
In the NLDS Game 2, the San Diego Padres broke the franchise record for most home runs in a postseason game. This happened against their state and division rival the Los Angeles Dodgers. Los Angeles Dodgers fans were angry at the Padres during the 10-2 loss, which featured six home runs and starting pitcher Yu...
Kellan Marrero-Vila, Staff Writer
25 minutes 20 seconds ago