Safety and Security

The safety of students and staff and the security of our campus are the two main concerns of the Security Team. To meet the challenges of maintaining a safe campus, we ask for the assistance of students, staff and parents to be vigilant. If you feel that something needs to be addressed, please bring it to the attention of the Security Team as soon as possible.

Safety and Security Team

South Lakes High School has a full-time Student Resource Officer (SRO). 

Officer Burch

Robert Burch | School Resource Officer | @email | 703-715-4578

Safety and Security Assistants

Safety and Security Resources

  • Bullying Prevention and Intervention - Learn more about FCPS' intolerance toward bullying

  • Students Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) - A Guide for Families: Navigating a safe and rewarding school experience with your child.

  • Student Safety and Wellness - From mental health resources to bullying prevention and food and nutrition services, FCPS is committed to supporting more than just a child's education.

  • Bus/Transportation Information - Transportation contacts listed by school or center.

  • School Bus Services - Everything you need to know about getting to school safely.

  • Bus Schedules - Bus schedules are not posted on our website for safety reasons. Hard copies are available in our main office.

  • Fairfax Connector Student Pass Application:

  • FCPS Privacy and Opt-Out Forms - Per the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), FCPS has provided opt-out forms about student records and privacy. Forms need only be signed and returned to exempt your student from any activities.

FCPS Safety and Security

FCPS Safety and Security takes exhaustive measures to make FCPS a safe and secure place to learn and work.

Safety Tipline

Visit the FCPS Safety Tipline webpage to anonymously report a tip via an electronic form, SMS text, or phone call.