Attendance Policies and Procedures

Students Arriving Late or Tardy to class

Students arriving after 8:20 a.m. must:

  • First report to their sub school to obtain a pass to class and proceed directly to class.  Students who are late for an excused reason must:
    • Bring a note from parent/guardian; or
    • The parent/guardian must call the attendance line or
    • Provide a note from the appointment
  • Parent/guardian should call the Attendance Line at 703-715-4545 to inform the school about the late arrival.


  • If you have questions about why your student was marked tardy in a class, please contact your student's teacher directly.
  • If the tardy was marked in error, the teacher will update it or notify the appropriate sub-school to make the correction.

Checking Students Out Early (medical appointment or other excused absence):

  • A note or phone call is needed to verify/excuse your student’s appointment.  A note is preferred to a phone call to the sub school. 
  • Please have your student bring the note to the sub-school office before school starts so they can immediately receive a pink check-out pass.
  • It is required that students check out at the sub-school before leaving the building.  
  • If your student returns from their appointment, they must sign in on the sub-school office console before returning to class.
  • Students who become ill during the school day must go to the clinic to be assessed. If needed, the clinic will call home and check out the student.

**NOTE: Call in requests for dismissal to the sub-school are not recommended and will be handled on a time available basis.  For safety reasons we ask that you call the sub-school to have your student released.  They will alert your student of the early dismissal.  

Truancy (Unexcused Absences)

  • In accordance with Virginia state law attendance to school for students aged 5-18 is compulsory.  Per FCPS Regulation 2234, the school is required to submit an attendance referral to the Fairfax County Truancy officer whenever a student is chronically absent.
  • Excessive absences, per FCPS Regulation 2234, is defined as missing more than 10% of the school year for any reason (excused and/or unexcused).
    • Medical documentation for absences could be required at this time.

Academy Students

Academy students please check in with your sub-school office if you do not attend your Academy class on any given day. Some examples of reasons you might not attend Academy are testing, a two-hour delayed opening, altered bell schedule, etc. Please make sure you follow the rules of the Academy that you attend as well. For example, Falls Church Academy requires students to turn in a pre-arranged absence form 24 hours before the absence.


If you have any questions, please contact your sub-school assistant.