International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP)
IB Middle School Years (Grades 7 - 10)
Coordinator: Desiree Satterfield | | 703.715.4539 | Room 464
Administrator: Heather Thomas |
IB Diploma Office Phone: 703.715.4686
What is the Middle Years Program at South Lakes High School?
It is a program of international education designed to help students develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, and skills necessary to participate actively and responsibly in a changing world. The MYP offers a high quality education at an international level that employs inquiry and concept-based instruction through the six Global Contexts. Students complete performance assessments in their classes in 9th and 10th grade and create a Personal Project during their sophomore year.
Click here for more information: IB Middle Year Programme: A Guide for Parents
The Personal Project
In the final year of the MYP program at South Lakes, each student completes a personal project. The personal project is a significant piece of work including research that is the product of the student’s own initiative and creativity. Students apply the skills acquired through the inquiry, action, reflection learning framework and record the process of their personal development including analyzing their growth through the IB Learner Profile attributes . Students are expected to choose their project, which can take many forms, and undertake the process under the supervision of a teacher or other FCPS employee. Students keep a process journal, write a process report, and produce a product that they will display at the Personal Project Fair in early spring.
All sophomores are MYP students and must complete a Personal Project. The product is due in January and the report is due in February. The student guide and other handouts may be found on the SLHS MYP Personal Project Google site and on English 10 teachers’ Schoology courses. Questions? Please contact MYP Coordinator Desiree Satterfield,, or Personal Project Coordinator Linda Frantz,
The Personal Project Fair will be held in the spring - TBD. All sophomores are expected to attend to present their projects.
Click here to see the IBMYP Personal Project Fair video
Service Learning
Service learning (Community Service) is an integral part of the MYP experience. All MYP Certificate candidates are required to complete the FCPS IB MYP Service-Learning requirement.
The FCPS IB MYP has revised the service-learning requirement to place emphasis on reflective learning.
The following requirement will take effect at SLHS in the Fall of 2024-2025:
- 3 written reflections of the service hours completed in 9th grade
- 3 written reflections of the service hours completed in 10th grade
Freshmen: 9th grade students will complete and submit three (3) quality reflections by June 30 of their Freshman year. A Google Form to complete each quality reflection is located and to be submitted in students’ respective MYP Class of 202_ Schoology course. All hours must be inputted into x2vol via Naviance (found in Schoology Apps menu).
Sophomores: 10th grade students will complete and submit three (3) quality reflections by April 1st of their Sophomore year. A Google Form to complete each quality reflection is located and to be submitted in students’ respective MYP Class of 202_ Schoology course. All hours must be inputted into x2vol via Naviance (found in Schoology Apps menu).
Click here to Sign into Naviance Student and access x2vol
Hours guideline: The FCPS Service-Learning Requirement for students in grades 9-12, “students should complete 10 service hours per year for a total of 40 hours” (FCPS Service Learning, 2024).
**Class of 2027: 9th grade service-learning requirement will be honored (up to 25 hours or 3 written reflections about the service-learning hours completed) as outlined in the 2023-2024 school year. The new change will take effect for Sophomore year, 2024-2025 school year.
FCPS MYP Certificate
Students who successfully complete the following may be eligible for the FCPS MYP Certificate at the end of the 10th grade:
● Complete two (2) high school level Language Acquisition courses by the end of 10th grade.
● Successfully complete all MYP assessments given during Grade 10.
● Successfully complete the Personal Project.
● Complete three (3) service learning reflections each year for Grade 9 and 10.
Click here to learn more about the FCPS SLHS IB MYP Requirements