Student Government Association (SGA)

Dreams Come True In Green & Blue

South Lakes embraces the opportunity to develop leadership skills in our students.  We have adopted an Executive Council model, instead of the traditionally elected Student Government Association officers. Students who are interested in being a part of the student leadership team at South Lakes should apply to be in the Leadership class in their 10th, 11th and/or 12th grade year.  The students in that class each year elect from among their peers who will be the Executive Council.

As a Student Leadership Team, members of the Leadership classes plan school-wide activities, organize fundraisers, consult with administration on important decisions, and act as representatives for their student body and South Lakes High School throughout the South Lakes community.

In addition to the Executive Council, each grade level has a Class Council consisting of a group of Class Officers who organize activities specific to that grade level. Rising 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students run for election in the spring while entering 9th graders are selected in the fall. Class officers are not required to take the Leadership class.

SGA Executive Council 2023-2024

  • Keira Duggan
  • Cameron Theis
  • Clara Landeryou
  • Audry Jay
  • Brianna Le
  • Sean Redican

(Sponsors: Jill Pellerin & Catherine McDermott)


YearCouncil MembersSponsors
2025Iman Hassan, Eleanor Lowit, Marty McNicoll, Sofi Pehrson, Lorelai RoseMeghan Baumann & Michelle Siraj
2026TBACindy Davis & Lisa Girdy
2027TBAAndy Bristol & Andrea Kasey
2028TBAJill Pellerin

Another opportunity for students to get involved in leadership is through the FCPS Student Advisory Council (SAC). The role of the Student Advisory Council (SAC) is to provide an opportunity for student participation in the decision-making process in the school division and to aid in communication among students, the school administration, and the community. Members of the SAC advise the Superintendent and the School Board, advocate for the rights and interests of students in Fairfax County Public Schools, work to enhance communication throughout the school system community, and elect the student representative to the Fairfax County School Board.

Up to four students and one alternate are elected by the student body prior to the end of the school year to serve as our SAC representatives.

Student Advisory Council 2024-2025

  • TBA

(Sponsor: Meghan Baumann and Michelle Siraj)

Benefits of Getting Involved

  • Voice your opinion on the school programs, class and school schedules, and many other important sections of daily life at SLHS
  • Represent your peers both in school and throughout the community
  •  Obtain inside knowledge of the way school government works
  • Develop communication and leadership skills that will carry over in future college, work, and life experiences

SLHS Constitution (pdf)


National Gold Council of Excellence 2017-2021

On behalf of National Student Council, I want to congratulate you on the occasion of the South Lakes High School Student Council being recognized as a 2019 National Gold Council of Excellence. Earning the award was no small task and your students’ success is a testament to the leadership and support you give to them and their adviser, and to the value placed on student council as an integral part of your school and its educational mission.

Again, congratulations and best wishes for continued excellence in your student council program!

Jeff R. Sherrill
Lead, Community Engagement
NASSP Student Leadership

National Council Award

Virginia Student Councils Association Achievement Award 2017-2022

For its exceptional record of leadership, service, and civic activities that improve the school and community, the South Lakes High School Student Council has been awarded a 2022 Achievement Award by the Virginia Student Councils Association (VSCA).

“VSCA is proud to honor these student councils for implementing a strong, well-rounded student council program at the local level,” said Lyn Fiscus, director of the Virginia Student Councils Association. “Student council leaders are making a difference across the Commonwealth with their leadership. We applaud their efforts and challenge them to continue engaging the students at their schools in leadership, spirit, civic, and service projects.”

Virginia Student Councils Association Achievement Award